Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (Retd)

Stories by Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (Retd)

Nirmalaji, the defence services need more money!

Nirmalaji, the defence services need more money!   31 Jan 2020

'The government must provide more funds to enable the armed forces to fight and win tomorrow's wars,' states Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

A plan for CDS Rawat to consider

A plan for CDS Rawat to consider   2 Jan 2020

As India's international role expands, so must our capabilities, says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Capture of Tiger Hill: Turning point in Kargil War

Capture of Tiger Hill: Turning point in Kargil War   17 Jun 2019

Twenty years ago, over 50 days in the summer of 1999, the Indian Army fought some of the toughest battles in the annals of military history to evict the Pakistan army from Kargil. The battle to recapture Tiger Hill was a major turning point in the Operation Vijay campaign, points out Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

An Agenda for the Defence Minister

An Agenda for the Defence Minister   4 Jun 2019

The new minister must commit himself to supporting long-term defence plans or else defence modernisation will continue to lag and the growing military capabilities gap with China will assume ominous proportions, warns Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Manohar Parrikar: Defence minister with a difference

Manohar Parrikar: Defence minister with a difference   20 Mar 2019

'He consulted widely, both formally and informally and acted quickly on pragmatic suggestions.' 'To his credit, Parrikar took the initiative to reduce excessive litigation against armed forces veterans and widow over small sums of pensionary and disability benefits,' points out says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

How will India handle Pakistan's next attack?

How will India handle Pakistan's next attack?   3 Mar 2019

'Offensive operations to capture objectives across the LoC to eliminate terrorist launch pads and deny the use of the most dangerous routes of infiltration, are likely to be limited to brigade-level attacks.' 'These limited operations are unlikely to escalate to war across the international boundary,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

How to prevent another 26/11

How to prevent another 26/11   30 Nov 2018

'The government must covertly eliminate the leaders of terrorist organisations abroad so as to eliminate the problem at its roots,' recommends Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Baloch opposition to CPEC should worry China

Baloch opposition to CPEC should worry China   27 Oct 2018

'The separatist resurgence in Balochistan is thwarting Pakistan's plans to build CPEC projects to optimally utilise Balochistan's energy reserves,' points out Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

How India must play the Nuclear Card

How India must play the Nuclear Card   22 Feb 2018

'India must close the missile technology gap with both China and Pakistan as early as possible, or else the credibility of India's nuclear deterrence will remain suspect,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

How India can leash nuclear monsters in our neighbourhood

How India can leash nuclear monsters in our neighbourhood   22 Feb 2018

'Only when India's adversaries are convinced that India has both the necessary political and military will and the hardware to respond to a nuclear strike with punitive retaliation that will inflict unacceptable loss of human life and unprecedented material damage, will they be deterred,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

What India must worry about in 2018

What India must worry about in 2018   1 Jan 2018

'China's growing nexus with Pakistan and the two countries' unresolved territorial disputes with India continue to pose a formidable national security threat to India,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

How India must counter the Chinese threat

How India must counter the Chinese threat   11 Dec 2017

'The military aim in a future conflict, if it can't be avoided, should be to cause maximum damage to the adversary's war waging capability and capture limited amount of territory as a bargaining counter,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Can India fight China and Pakistan simultaneously?

Can India fight China and Pakistan simultaneously?   10 Oct 2017

'Given the present force levels, India cannot fight and win.' 'India can't hope to terminate the conflict on India's terms and impose the nation's will upon the adversaries,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Salute the Special Forces for the Surgical Strikes!

Salute the Special Forces for the Surgical Strikes!   25 Sep 2017

'India showcased its ability to launch multiple Special Forces strikes simultaneously across a well defended front.' 'Through these strikes Pakistan was given a glimpse of the full range of India's military capabilities,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

What the Raksha Mantri needs to do

What the Raksha Mantri needs to do   4 Sep 2017

'It is the government's most important duty to ensure that when war breaks out, the armed forces are absolutely ready to face the adversary -- well equipped, well trained and in high spirits,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

China's Belt and Road Initiative: What are India's options?

China's Belt and Road Initiative: What are India's options?   17 May 2017

'Whichever option India chooses, it should be clear to the government that the China-Pakistan nexus poses a clear and present danger to national security,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Mr Modi, please heed loss of morale in armed forces

Mr Modi, please heed loss of morale in armed forces   21 Apr 2017

'The non-implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission, almost a year after it was implemented for civilians, is gradually beginning to hurt morale in the armed forces,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

An agenda for General Rawat

An agenda for General Rawat   4 Jan 2017

The new army chief's highest priority must be to address the critical hollowness in the Indian Army's operational preparedness, says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

Will General Bakshi be India's first CDS?

Will General Bakshi be India's first CDS?   19 Dec 2016

'In the present era of strategic uncertainty and rapidly changing threats, no military professional now disputes the unavoidable necessity of a joint planning staff for the planning and conduct of joint operations so that integrated operations can be planned 'top down',' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).

India stands united as a nation today

India stands united as a nation today   30 Sep 2016

'The government has sent a clear message to Pakistan: It is no longer business as usual.' 'The rules of the game have changed and a new game is at play,' says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (retd).